Transforming Unbelief into Belief, Mark 9:14-29

When Jesus comes down from the mountain after his transfiguration, he and the three disciples are confronted with a scene of chaos. The other disciples are arguing with the scribes about casting out a demon and healing a boy. The father of boy explains to Jesus what is happening and confesses his own unbelief mixed into his faith. What are we to make of such a story from the Bible? Is this a reminder to us that even small faith with unbelief can help us to grow in faith? Can that very unbelief be transformed?

Image: Jesus casting out demons, photo taken by Nick Thompson, mosiac located in Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. License: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 (No Changes made). Image location:

The Mundane Creates Praise, Mark 7:31-37

When Jesus heals a deaf and mute man, he uses some ordinary things in the process. What does this mean about the ordinary and mundane? Are they important? Can Jesus work through simple things to bring forth praise? Father Jeremiah explores this in his sermon on Mark 7:31-37

Image: Young Mother Sewing, Mary Cassatt, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Sacrificing Rules to Justify Yourself, Mark 7.1-23

When the Pharisees and Scribes confront Jesus about his disciples not ritually washing hands before eating, Jesus confronts them with their ability to sacrifice the rules of God with man-made traditions in order to justify themselves. In what ways do we do this today? How are we to overcome this desire?

Image: The Field of Derout-Lollichon, by Paul Gauguin, public domain by release from LACMA. Image location:

Eternal Words and Feeding on Jesus, John 6:60-69

After Jesus finished his teaching on feeding on him, many of his followers began leaving him. Jesus even question his own immediate twelve disciples about what they were going to do. How does this come to us today? Why would Jesus challenge even the Twelve on following him? Are we challenged in our following of Jesus?

Image: Lord, To Whom Shall We Go?, photo by Lawrence OP, no changes made (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Image Location:

Feasting upon Jesus the Bread of Life, John 6:53-59

As Jesus continues teaching about his being the bread of life that is necessary to salvation, he goes so far as to say that his flesh is true food and his blood is true drink! What does this mean? How does it relate to communion? Where can we find Jesus that we might feed on him always?

Image: Nheyob, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Coming to and Believing the Bread from Heaven, John 6.37-51

Jesus continues teaching the crowds after feeding them with bread and fish. He gives attention to the reality that coming and believing Jesus are connected to being given and drawn to Jesus by the Father and that he will receive all who come because he is the bread of life that gives his flesh to the world.

Image: The Lord’s Supper, taken by Lawrence OP, used under license: CC BY-NC-ND 2 (no changes made). Image Location:

Jesus Manifested in the Crisis, Mark 6:45-52

When Jesus sends the disciples out to cross the Sea of Galilee, they find themselves struggling against a strong headwind. Why does Jesus come to them walking upon the sea? How does this reveal who Jesus is? How do we respond to Jesus in the middle of our own crises?

Image: Jesus Walks on the Sea, Gustave Doré, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location:

Mercy Will Prevail, Mark 6:30-43, Isaiah 57:14-21

Christ’s feeding of the five thousand reveals to us the mercy of God toward us in our deepest needs. God has promised throughout Scripture that he will show forth his mercy and he does so such that it is right to say that his almighty power is chiefly declared through his mercy.

Image: Christ Feeding the Five Thousand, Public Domain. Image locaiton:

The Foundation of Christ's Work and Us, Psalm 85

In Psalm 85, we hear of the the graciousness of God toward Israel, and then a confession for a continual need for that grace and kindness from God. How does this reveal our need for Christ and his work? Where does salvations start? Does it start with me or does it start with the foundation laid by Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection?

Image: Adoration of the Lamb from the Ghent Altarpiece, Hubert van Eyck, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Chaos Inside Overcome by Jesus Outside, Mark 5:22-43

When Jesus encounters the results of chaos from the inside of us, what does he do? Does he scoff or ignore it? Or does he act against it in order to bring to us inward and outward healing? Father Jeremiah looks at Mark 5 and a story with two healings dealing with chaos from the inside.

Image: The Raising of the Daughter of Jairus, Eduard Bendemann, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location:

God Amidst the Chaos, Mark 4:35-5:20

Jesus calms the storm and casts out a legion of demons in our Gospel lesson today. How do these reveal the power of Jesus over creation and his power over the chaos that has invaded creation? Father Jeremiah shows us that there is more that a mere calming of the storm and casting out of demons in his sermon from Sunday.

Image: Christus bedaart de storm, by James Ensor, Public Domain (no changes made). Image location:

Like the Birds of the Air, Mark 4:26-34

Jesus told many parables to the people. In these two parables he speaks of seeds growing and birds finding homes amongst the mustard plant. What does this mean about the kingdom? How do we participate in this if God is the one who causes the growth? Father Jeremiah helps us to see the glory of God’s work and us being part of the work.

Image: Image from page 65 of "Birds through an opera-glass" (1898), Public Domain. Location:

The Holy Trinity Hidden and Revealed

On Trinity Sunday, Jonathan Wells, a member of Grace Anglican, gave us a teaching on the Trinity as revealed throughout Scripture and the importance of how God has revealed himself to our salvation.

Image: Holy Trinity, picture by Lawrence OP. License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED Image Location:

The Fiery Spirit, Acts 2:1-21, 1 Corinthians 12:4-13

The Spirit’s coming was the fulfillment of Jesus’ promises to his disciples and a fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecy. His work sets believers in Jesus apart from the world and changes them from the inside out. He unites us to one another and to Jesus himself that we might know the redemption that has been accomplished for us.

Image: Descent of the Holy Spirit, by Paul Gustave Dore’s for La Grande Bible de Tours. Internet Archive Book Images, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons. For more info on this and other illustrations see: Image location:,_or_The_Holy_Scriptures_in_picture_and_story_(1891)_(14598407958).jpg

Sanctified by Ascension, John 17:11b-19

Jesus spent time in deep prayer for his disciples and all those who will come to believe in Christ through their word. What does this prayer reveal to us about he work of Jesus after his ascension? We see through his words that he knew he would ascend and that he would continue to present us to the Father that we might be washed and sanctified in the truth of God.

Image: The Ascension of Christ, Pietro Perugino, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Patchwork Growth and Abiding in Christ, John 15:9-17

As Jesus continued to teach the disciples on the night he was betrayed, he told them to abide in his love that he had from them that flowed out of the love of the Father for himself. When we do this, we will discover that we want to keep his commandments and when we keep his commandments, we discover that we are more deeply abiding in his love.

Image: Patchy Grass by Andrew. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED, no changes made. Image location:

The Commandments, Love, and the Holy Spirit, John 14:15-21

Jesus tells us that if we love him, we will keep his commandments. What are we to make of this statement of his? Does it mean that our salvation is because of our good deeds? Or are these words his way of showing us how to realign and calibrate our lives to the salvation we have received by faith? Father Jeremiah helps us understand Jesus’ calling today.

Image: By Tobias Aeppli. Free to use. image location: