Psalm 23

The Good Shepherd that is Truly Good, John 10:11-18, Psalm 23

Jesus calls himself the good shepherd. What kind of claim is this? How does he reflect an earthly shepherd and how does he surpass that to be something greater by the same name?

Image: The Parable of the Good Shepherd, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Public Domain. Image location:

To Save the Sheep, John 10.11-16


Jesus as our good shepherd is one who will lay down his life for the sheep. He is completely different from the hired hands who flee when the wolf comes. He defends his sheep and cares for them because they are his own. Father Jeremiah considers this truth in his sermon today.

Image: Shepherd with His Flock, by Francesco Londonio, CC0 1.0. Image located:

Gifts of the Shepherd, Psalm 23, John 10.1-10

The Good Shepherd gives to us everything that we need. He gifts us with the reality of salvation and everything that connects to that very salvation. He comes to us through his grace and creates rest for us that we might feed and be renewed by him. Hear more from Father Jeremiah about this psalm.

Image: Shepherd with Sheep, Thomas Sidney Cooper, Used under license CC0 1.0. Image Location:

The Good Shepherd that We Need, John 10.11-18

There have been many wicked shepherds that have led God's people astray. Yet, so often God's people have embraced them more quickly than God himself. What are we to make of this? What does God do in response to the wicked shepherds and his people's need? Listen to find out more.

Image: By Anonymous ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (