World Mission Sunday

New Standing, New Purpose, New Creation, John 20:19-31

Bishop Terrell Glenn joined us to preach on John 20, walking through the first evening after the resurrection. He directs us to recognize that Christ’s peace gives to us a new standing, his commands give us New purpose, and his breathing upon us gives us new creation.

Image: The Risen Christ Appears to His Apostles, photo taken by Lawrence OP. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, no changes made. Image location:

Jesus' Mission for the Church, Matthew 28:16-20

Fr. Jeremiah Caughran
Jesus’ Mission for the Church, Matthew 28.16-20
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On World Mission Sunday in the Anglican Church in North America, we step back to understand the grand calling upon the church to make disciples of all nations. What does this mean for us? How is it to be accomplished? How do we walk in this reality? Father Jeremiah teaches through the last few verses of Matthew 28 and shows how Jesus is the cornerstone of this grand work given to the church.

Image: Christ Great Commission Icon, photo taken by Ted. Used under license CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED. No changes made. Image location:

Compassion Towards Us Sheep, Matthew 9:35-38

Fr. Jeremiah Caughran
Compassion Towards Us Sheep, Matthew 9.35-38
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Jesus teaches and heals and sees a harvest all around him of people who need the salvation he is bringing. He also sees that in the people’s needs, they are exactly like sheep without a shepherd, without a good shepherd who will lead them into the truth and protect them no matter the cost. Jesus is that shepherd and calls us to himself to bring others to know him as the Good Shepherd.

Image: Shepherd and Sheep, Anton Mauve, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Sent to Proclaim Forgiveness, John 20:19-32

Fr. Jeremiah Caughran
Sent to Proclaim Forgiveness, John 20.19-31
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This Sunday is World Mission Sunday. Father Jeremiah reflects upon the coming of Christ to his disciples from John 20 and how this event undergirds all that they then go out to do. We must lay hold of the forgiveness and peace that Christ brings to us through his cross and that is what we take with us into the world as we become his witnesses.

Image: See page for author, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons