Matthew 2

Christ is Born to Forgive

At our Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols, we heard of the promises of God to his people throughout the Old Testament. Father Jeremiah explains that Jesus is the fulfillment of God the Father’s desire to make a people for himself and that he does so through forgiveness of sins.

Image: Nativity, Giotto, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Harmonizing the Infancy of Jesus, Luke 2, Matthew 2

As we read each of the Gospel narratives about the birth of Jesus, we usually ask, “How does this all fit together?” Father Jeremiah walks us through how St. Luke and St. Matthew’s Infancy narratives can fit together so that we can better appreciate the full work of the Father in sending his Son into this world.

Image: Stories of life and passion of Christ, by Gaudenzio Ferrari (cropped). Public Domain. location:

The King is Here, Matthew 2.1-23


When the Magi came, all of Jerusalem as well as King Herod were stirred up. Herod chafed at the idea of a new king, the scribes and pharisees were indifferent about the birth of the Messiah, but the Magi continued to search until they found him that they might worship and adore. The King is here whether we want him to be or not and we are called to worship and adore him!

Image: Adoration of the Magi, tapestry, by Edward Burne-Jones, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location:

How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place!

The birth of Christ meant that God had entered into his own creation and made his dwelling amongst man in a man. Psalm 84 begins with the words, “How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD God of Hosts.” These words take on a new and deeper meaning in light of the incarnation and connects us also to the coming of the Magi at Epiphany. Listen now to hear Father Jeremiah expand upon this beautiful truth.

Image: From The 'De Grey' Hours, depicting the adoration of the Magi. Author of the book is unknown. [CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication] Image location: