Luke 9

Transfigured Toward Our Glory, Luke 9:26-38

An important part of Jesus’ Transfiguration is that his divine glory is revealed to his disciples. Another aspect of that event is that in our union with Christ, we become partakers of that glory in the resurrection. We too will shine with the light of the glory of God through the grace of Christ to us.

Image: The Transfiguration, Giovanni Bellini, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Image Location:

Freedom is Not the Same as having a Lot of Choices, Luke 9:51-62

Guest priest the Reverend Paul Briggs walks us through Luke 9:51-62. He reminds us that grace undergirds our ultimate choices and that grace is intended to draw us to Christ.

Image: Herschel Bonham, Route A, Box 118, an 11-year-old boy cultivating peas. He belongs to a cotton club in school. Father says he can pick 200 pounds of cotton a day. Location: Lawton, Oklahoma / Lewis W. Hine, by Lewis W. Hine, 1917. No known restrictions. image location:

The Transfiguration and Us, Luke 9:28-36

There are so many layers to the Transfiguration that it is hard to comprehend how glorious it really was. Many aspects of it are recalling various events in the Old Testament, especially the cloud overshadowing them out of which God the Father speaks. All of this is to direct our eyes to Jesus alone so that we will know the reality fo salvation in our lives.

Image: Portable icon with the Transfiguration of Christ, Byzantine artwork. License: Louvre Museum, CC BY 2.5 <>, via Wikimedia Commons Location:

The Vocational Life: The Cost of Grace, Luke 9.51-62


When we think of vocation, we often don’t think about the cost of living in these varied relationships. However, Jesus reminds us that to follow him comes with a cost and brings transformation to all of our relationships and work.

Image: by Henri Cassiers [Public domain]. Location:,_1895_Illustr._p_087.png

The Vocational Life: Cross-Bearing, Luke 9:18-24


When we are called to take up our crosses daily, Christ is calling us to a cross shaped life, one that is focused on the cross upon every one of our vocations. All of our vocations, that is our relationships and the work we do in those, are all under the cross and given grace by Jesus through the Holy Spirit. We are called into the Vocational life through our cross-bearing.

Image: Christ Carrying the Cross, Albrecht Dürer, 1509 [Public domain]. Location:

Jesus Revealed: Transfiguration and Tabernacles, Luke 9.28-36


When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain before Peter, James, and John, Peter suggested building tabernacles for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. Was he merely trying to delay their departure from the mountain, or is there something revealed here about Jesus being the true tabernacle through whom we draw near to God? Listen to find out the answer!

Image: Public Domain. Located at:,_trasfigurazione.jpg