Last Sunday after Epiphany C

Transfigured Toward Our Glory, Luke 9:26-38

An important part of Jesus’ Transfiguration is that his divine glory is revealed to his disciples. Another aspect of that event is that in our union with Christ, we become partakers of that glory in the resurrection. We too will shine with the light of the glory of God through the grace of Christ to us.

Image: The Transfiguration, Giovanni Bellini, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Image Location:

Jesus Revealed: Transfiguration and Tabernacles, Luke 9.28-36


When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain before Peter, James, and John, Peter suggested building tabernacles for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. Was he merely trying to delay their departure from the mountain, or is there something revealed here about Jesus being the true tabernacle through whom we draw near to God? Listen to find out the answer!

Image: Public Domain. Located at:,_trasfigurazione.jpg