John 6

Feasting upon Jesus the Bread of Life, John 6:53-59

As Jesus continues teaching about his being the bread of life that is necessary to salvation, he goes so far as to say that his flesh is true food and his blood is true drink! What does this mean? How does it relate to communion? Where can we find Jesus that we might feed on him always?

Image: Nheyob, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Coming to and Believing the Bread from Heaven, John 6.37-51

Jesus continues teaching the crowds after feeding them with bread and fish. He gives attention to the reality that coming and believing Jesus are connected to being given and drawn to Jesus by the Father and that he will receive all who come because he is the bread of life that gives his flesh to the world.

Image: The Lord’s Supper, taken by Lawrence OP, used under license: CC BY-NC-ND 2 (no changes made). Image Location:

Made to be God's Dwelling Place, 2 Chronicles 36, Ephesians 2:1-10, John 6:1-15

The destruction of the Temple by Babylon and the exile of God’s people was a devastating moment. Yet, God remained faithful to bring them back and re-establish them. After this return, God continued to fulfill his promises by sending the Messiah to make his people his new Temple that we might carry God with us throughout to the ends of the earth.

Image: Christ Feeds the 5000, photo by LawrenceOP, Detail from a medieval stained glass window in the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. No Changes made. Image location:

All Hail the Bread King, John 6.1-15


How do we respond to Jesus’ multiplying the loaves and fishes? What was the meaning of it then? How do we understand it for today? There are many things are happening in St. John’s telling of this event and Father Jeremiah delves into some of them for us to consider in this sermon from St. John 6.1-15

Image: The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, Jacopo Tintoretto, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location: