
Unable to Overcome but in Jesus, Romans 10:4-13, Luke 4:1-13

St. Paul speaks of the word being near to our hearts that we might not have to bring it down from Heaven or raise it up from the abyss. This word is Jesus himself and he is revealed as the one who resists temptation and sin for us that we might follow in his steps and receive him.

Image: The Temptation of Christ, by Augustin Hirschvogel, public domain. Image location: https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.39380.html

One Act of Righteousness, Matthew 4:1-11, Romans 5:12-21

St. Paul speaks of the one act of righteousness of Jesus in his epistle to the Romans. What does this act encompass? Is it only a reference to the crucifixion or is there a an underlying reality within the one act of Jesus? What does his temptation have to do with this? So many questions flowing from the texts for this First Sunday in Lent and Father Jeremiah examines them in this sermon that considers the one act of righteousness.

Image: Temptation of Christ, 12th century mosaic in basilica di San Marco, anonimus, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Forest for the Trees, Luke 4:1-13

With the temptation of Christ, we often get focused on the details of how he overcame the Devil, but we don’t often consider why he even was tempted or why he overcame the devil. Father Jeremiah walks through these background aspects to help us see a grander picture of Jesus’ overcoming the Devil and what that means for us.

Image: The Temptation of Christ by the Devil, by Christoffel Jegher and Sir Peter Paul Rubens. Public Domain. Image location: https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.53388.html


The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Beautiful, Matthew 4.1-11, Romans 5.12-21


As Jesus went into the wilderness to be tempted, he was going out to do what Adam had failed at doing. Jesus was going out to resist temptation on behalf of his people, so that all who are united to him, might become resisters of temptation as well. Paul explains this in Romans 5, that Jesus has become the second and greater Adam by his act of obedience. Father Jeremiah tells us more in this week’s sermon.

Image: Temptation of Christ by Vasily Surikov, 1872. Public Domain. Location: https://www.wikiart.org/en/vasily-surikov/temptation-of-christ-1872

No Doubt on Our Behalf, Luke 4.1-13


Satan’s temptation of Jesus in the wilderness was one focused on doubt in the truthfulness of God’s word to Jesus at his baptism and al that entailed for Jesus. How did he respond? How does Jesus’ do what no one else has done before? Father Jeremiah takes us through Jesus’ temptation and shows us how Jesus endures these things on our behalf in order to open to us the blessings of God the Father’s blessings for us.

Image: Temptation on the Mount, Duccio di Buoninsegna [Public domain]. Location: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Duccio_-_The_Temptation_on_the_Mount.jpg