
Transfigured Toward Our Glory, Luke 9:26-38

An important part of Jesus’ Transfiguration is that his divine glory is revealed to his disciples. Another aspect of that event is that in our union with Christ, we become partakers of that glory in the resurrection. We too will shine with the light of the glory of God through the grace of Christ to us.

Image: The Transfiguration, Giovanni Bellini, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Image Location:

The Low Whisper that Brings Mercy, 1 Kings 19:9-18, Mark 9:2-8

What does Elijah meeting the Lord at Mt. Sinai and Jesus’ transfiguration have in common? Why is it important that the Lord isn’t in the wind, the earthquake, the fire? Why is it a low whisper? Father Jeremiah reflects on these questions

Photo by form PxHere. Public Domain.

Brought into His Presence for Salvation, Matthew 17:1-9

What does it mean that Jesus was transfigured? How does this affect our understanding of Jesus? What does Jesus’ work have to do with our being able to enter into his presence? These questions give rise to much in Father Jeremiah’s sermon on Jesus’ transfiguration.

image: The Savior’s Transfiguration, unknown artist, Tretyakov Gallery, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.