Mark 5

Chaos Inside Overcome by Jesus Outside, Mark 5:22-43

When Jesus encounters the results of chaos from the inside of us, what does he do? Does he scoff or ignore it? Or does he act against it in order to bring to us inward and outward healing? Father Jeremiah looks at Mark 5 and a story with two healings dealing with chaos from the inside.

Image: The Raising of the Daughter of Jairus, Eduard Bendemann, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location:

God Amidst the Chaos, Mark 4:35-5:20

Jesus calms the storm and casts out a legion of demons in our Gospel lesson today. How do these reveal the power of Jesus over creation and his power over the chaos that has invaded creation? Father Jeremiah shows us that there is more that a mere calming of the storm and casting out of demons in his sermon from Sunday.

Image: Christus bedaart de storm, by James Ensor, Public Domain (no changes made). Image location: