Proper 19b

Transforming Unbelief into Belief, Mark 9:14-29

When Jesus comes down from the mountain after his transfiguration, he and the three disciples are confronted with a scene of chaos. The other disciples are arguing with the scribes about casting out a demon and healing a boy. The father of boy explains to Jesus what is happening and confesses his own unbelief mixed into his faith. What are we to make of such a story from the Bible? Is this a reminder to us that even small faith with unbelief can help us to grow in faith? Can that very unbelief be transformed?

Image: Jesus casting out demons, photo taken by Nick Thompson, mosiac located in Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. License: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 (No Changes made). Image location:

Words and Actions without Distinction, James 2:1-18

St. James confronts his hearers with their sin of favoritism of the rich over the poor and connects it to the reality that our faith will work itself out with good deeds that reflect the change that God the Father has accomplished in us. How do we respond to this? How does our faith show up in our actions? Does your faith work itself out with the transformation God has made in you?

Image: CC0, Public Domain