Mark 6

Jesus Manifested in the Crisis, Mark 6:45-52

When Jesus sends the disciples out to cross the Sea of Galilee, they find themselves struggling against a strong headwind. Why does Jesus come to them walking upon the sea? How does this reveal who Jesus is? How do we respond to Jesus in the middle of our own crises?

Image: Jesus Walks on the Sea, Gustave Doré, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location:

Mercy Will Prevail, Mark 6:30-43, Isaiah 57:14-21

Christ’s feeding of the five thousand reveals to us the mercy of God toward us in our deepest needs. God has promised throughout Scripture that he will show forth his mercy and he does so such that it is right to say that his almighty power is chiefly declared through his mercy.

Image: Christ Feeding the Five Thousand, Public Domain. Image locaiton: