Mark 7

The Mundane Creates Praise, Mark 7:31-37

When Jesus heals a deaf and mute man, he uses some ordinary things in the process. What does this mean about the ordinary and mundane? Are they important? Can Jesus work through simple things to bring forth praise? Father Jeremiah explores this in his sermon on Mark 7:31-37

Image: Young Mother Sewing, Mary Cassatt, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Sacrificing Rules to Justify Yourself, Mark 7.1-23

When the Pharisees and Scribes confront Jesus about his disciples not ritually washing hands before eating, Jesus confronts them with their ability to sacrifice the rules of God with man-made traditions in order to justify themselves. In what ways do we do this today? How are we to overcome this desire?

Image: The Field of Derout-Lollichon, by Paul Gauguin, public domain by release from LACMA. Image location: