Easter 7b

Sanctified by Ascension, John 17:11b-19

Jesus spent time in deep prayer for his disciples and all those who will come to believe in Christ through their word. What does this prayer reveal to us about he work of Jesus after his ascension? We see through his words that he knew he would ascend and that he would continue to present us to the Father that we might be washed and sanctified in the truth of God.

Image: The Ascension of Christ, Pietro Perugino, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Ascension and Revelation


Jesus’ ascension is an oft overlooked event in our Savior’s life, and yet, it brings a completion of redemption as he presents himself to his Father in heaven for our sake and becomes our eternal intercessor. Father Jeremiah considers a few of the implications of this reality in his sermon for the Sunday after the Ascension.

Image: Christ Ascending into Heaven (Detail from an embroidered in the Dominican convent at Stone, Staffordshire), photo by Lawrence OP, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, no changes made. Image location: https://www.flickr.com/photos/paullew/7214076440/in/photostream/