Comfort of the Good Shepherd, John 10.22-30


What is the implication of Jesus being the Good Shepherd? How important is it that his sheep respond to his voice? What assurance is there that no one can snatch us from Jesus’ or the Father’s hands? Listen now to find out about Jesus being the Good Shepherd.

Image: Icon of the Good Shepherd, AnonymousUnknown author [Public domain]. Location:

Peace, Peace, Peace, John 20.19-31


When Jesus appeared to his disciples on the night of his resurrection, he spoke peace to them. He again spoke peace a week later when he appeared again to them with Thomas among them. What is the meaning of this word of peace? Is it a mere greeting, or is there more to our Lord’s words? Listen now to find out more.

Image: The Maesta Altarpiece-The Incredulity of St.Thomas. Duccio di Buoninsegna [Public domain]. Location:

Seeking the Living Among the Dead, Luke 24.1-12


What good is a dead Jesus? The resurrection of Jesus changes everything. He endured exile on our behalf and through his resurrection completes his work of salvation for us.

Image:The Resurrected Christ with a donor family, Lucas Cranach the Younger [Public domain]. Location:

Donkeys and Palm Leaves, Luke 19.28-40


There is a great deal going on when Jesus enters Jerusalem just a few days before Passover. From the selection of a donkey to palm leaves being waved to the very day of entry, there is great prophetic significance and fulfillment occurring in this moment. Father Jeremiah walks us through these things and their implications for us in his sermon from Palm Sunday.

Image: Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, from Nativity of the Theotokos Church, Macedonia. Photo take by Petar Milošević [CC BY-SA 4.0 (, no changes made]. Location:Цвети,_улазак_Христа_у_Јерусалим_(Church_fresco_-_Triumphal_entry_into_Jerusalem,_Bitola).jpg

The One Who Takes Our Shame, Luke 15.11-32


In the parable of the Prodigal Son, we always focus on the return of the prodigal or the obstinance of the older son, but have we realized the reality of the how the father reacts to both of his sons? Father Jeremiah reveals to us the depth of love of the father in this story and how his very love is a reflection of how Jesus treats us sinners.

Image: The Prodigal Returns, photo taken by Jim Forest, used under license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Location:

Repenting Fig Trees, Luke 13.1-9


Jesus answers questions about seemingly judgmental deaths with a call to repentance and a parable of fruitless fig tree. How can we better understand the Gospel and the kindness of our Father in heaven from Jesus’ words here for us today?

Image: The Vine Dresser and the Fig Tree, James Tissot [Public domain]. Location:

Gathered and Striving, Luke 13.22-35


The narrow door and a hen’s wings for covering are in today’s Gospel lesson. What is Jesus telling us about our faith? Listen now to find out what Father Jeremiah reveals about this passage from Luke 13.

Image: Jesus weeping over Jerusalem, author unknown, from the Evangelistary of Otto III [Public domain] Location:

No Doubt on Our Behalf, Luke 4.1-13


Satan’s temptation of Jesus in the wilderness was one focused on doubt in the truthfulness of God’s word to Jesus at his baptism and al that entailed for Jesus. How did he respond? How does Jesus’ do what no one else has done before? Father Jeremiah takes us through Jesus’ temptation and shows us how Jesus endures these things on our behalf in order to open to us the blessings of God the Father’s blessings for us.

Image: Temptation on the Mount, Duccio di Buoninsegna [Public domain]. Location:

Jesus Revealed: Transfiguration and Tabernacles, Luke 9.28-36


When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain before Peter, James, and John, Peter suggested building tabernacles for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. Was he merely trying to delay their departure from the mountain, or is there something revealed here about Jesus being the true tabernacle through whom we draw near to God? Listen to find out the answer!

Image: Public Domain. Located at:,_trasfigurazione.jpg

Jesus Revealed: Loving Because God Loves, Luke 6.27-38


Love your enemies, Jesus tells us, in our Gospel passage for this Sunday. Jesus is not merely telling us something, but is commanding us to radical way of relationship with others. Why would he command this? Is this consistent with who God is? It most certainly is! After all, God first loved his enemies by sending Jesus to die for their sins. Who are those enemies that God first loved? You and me and the whole host of humanity. Jesus’ command is a perfect reflection of God’s character just as all of the moral law of the Bible is.

Image: Sermon on the Mount, Cosimo Rosselli [Public domain]

Jesus Revealed: Feelings, Blessings, and Woes, Luke 6.17-26


What do our feelings have to do with Jesus’ blessings and woes from Luke 6.17-26? How do our feelings affect our everyday walk with Jesus? Father Jeremiah brings before us the importance of the whole Word of God in regard to how we allow our feelings to be our guides in life too easily.

Image: Sermon on the Mount, Cosimo Rosselli [Public domain]

Four Pastoral and Educational Affirmations: Holy Scripture

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Father Jeremiah, Pastors Brack and Jason continue our two churches’ study of the Four Pastoral and Educational Affirmations put forward by the Ecumenical Consultation of the ACNA and the NALC. This week we go over our understanding of the nature and use of Holy Scripture. What is it? How does it lead us? How is it authoritative? How does it relate to both Jesus and the Holy Spirit? These are some of the questions addressed in our time together.

Jesus Revealed: Our Confession, His Absolution, Luke 5.1-11


Jesus was teaching by the seashore and goes out on a boat in order to better teach the crowds. Afterwards, he asks Peter to go out and cast his nets in the middle of the day. When Peter catches more fish than his nets can handle, he turns to Jesus and confesses his sinfulness. What does Jesus do? What happens here changes the course of Peter’s life and it can change yours too. Listen to find out how Jesus works through our confession and His absolution.

Image: Maestà, Altarretabel des Sieneser Doms, Rückseite, Predella mit Szenen zur Versuchung Christi und Wundertaten, Szene: Die Berufung der Apostel Petrus und Andreas, Duccio di Buoninsegna [Public domain] Image Location:

Four Pastoral and Educational Affirmations: Holy Communion

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We continue our study of the ACNA-NALC Four Pastoral and Education Affirmations. We consider our agreement upon how we understand Holy Communion, also known as the Eucharist and the Lord’s Supper. Father Jeremiah and Pastor Jason lead us through the study explaining what God is doing in our midst when we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ through the bread and wine.

Jesus Revealed: Knowing Where You Are, Luke 4.21-32


The people of Nazareth rejected Jesus’ preaching because they refused to understand where they were. They couldn’t see just what the Messiah was going to do and so became infuriated with him. Do you know where you are in this life? Do you know what you truly need? Can you receive Jesus as he truly is by seeing where you truly are?

Image: Christ Preaching, Rembrandt [Public domain]. Image location:

Four Pastoral and Educational Affirmations: Baptism

Father Jeremiah, along with the pastors of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Brack and Jason, walked through the first study of the Four Pastoral and Educational Affirmations of the ACNA and NALC. In this teaching they talk about the history, importance, and application of baptism. Our two church bodies are from two different denominational traditions and yet can find common ground on how we understand baptism. Find out how we agree on this most important doctrine of the church.