Jesus Revealed: Our Confession, His Absolution, Luke 5.1-11


Jesus was teaching by the seashore and goes out on a boat in order to better teach the crowds. Afterwards, he asks Peter to go out and cast his nets in the middle of the day. When Peter catches more fish than his nets can handle, he turns to Jesus and confesses his sinfulness. What does Jesus do? What happens here changes the course of Peter’s life and it can change yours too. Listen to find out how Jesus works through our confession and His absolution.

Image: Maestà, Altarretabel des Sieneser Doms, Rückseite, Predella mit Szenen zur Versuchung Christi und Wundertaten, Szene: Die Berufung der Apostel Petrus und Andreas, Duccio di Buoninsegna [Public domain] Image Location: