Jesus Revealed: Year of Jubilee, Luke 4.14-21


When Jesus went into Nazareth after his baptism, he was full of the Holy Spirit and he went to the synagogue. He was the reader and preacher that day. What is the meaning of his words that day? What does it mean for the Messiah to proclaim the year of the Lord? How do we respond to the words of Scripture before our eyes and ears? Listen today to find out more about this passage from Luke 4.

Image: Year of Jubilee, from the book The story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Told in simple language adapted to all ages, but especially to the young, author unknown. Location:

Jesus Revealed: Wine for Newness, John 2.1-11


What does water turned into wine have to do with the great marriage feast of the Lamb? What does Jesus being at a wedding reveal about marriage? Is there something about prayer to be learned from the wedding at Cana? These questions are dealt with this week as we consider Jesus revealed through the wine for newness.

Image: Unknown [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Location:

The Star that Leads, Matthew 2.1-12


The wise men came searching for the King of the Jews by following a star. That star led them to the Christ child and they worshiped him recognizing something more to this little one than many others who would encounter him in the future. What does all of this mean? How are we led to Christ? What are the means by which God draws us to himself through Jesus?

Image: St Mary Major; 13th century mosaic: Adoration of the Magi, by Franciscan, Jacopo Torriti.

Incarnation and Salvation, John 1.1-18


What is the true gift that humanity needs? It needs salvation to come down from God. It needs God to provide a way for our restoration because we can’t do it ourselves. In the first chapter of the Gospel of St. John, we hear about how God became man and that he became man that we might know God the Father through Jesus his Son. Listen now to find out more from Father Jeremiah

Image: Image from Codex Alexanrinus [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons. Location:,1-7.PNG

God Came Down at Christmas: Born that We might be Saved, Luke 1.1-20


At Christmas Eve, we so often hear about Jesus being born in Bethlehem and the angels and the shepherds. What is the importance of this event? Why is it so important that we continue to read about it and hear about it 2000 years later? God Came Down at Christmas truly did happen and we hear about it now!

Image: The Adoration of the Shepherds, Ivan Honchar Museum [Public domain]. Location:

God Came Down at Christmas: Transforming Love, Micah 5:2-5a


Micah has promised the coming of a ruler over Israel who will be born in the insignificant town of Bethlehem. This ruler will bring peace and comfort to God’s people. All of it is out of God’s great love for his people.

Image: Dr Mary Gillham Archive Project [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons. Located at:,000%27_clears_flock._Near_Fes_(23903400918).jpg

God Came Down at Christmas-Joyous Rejoicing, Zephaniah 3.14-20


How do we come to know joy? Why do we rejoice? The prophet Zephaniah called the people of God to rejoice because God was going to remove the judgements against them and then God himself would rejoice over his people. How does God accomplish this in our lives? What do we do when we come face to face with God’s rejoicing over us?

Image: The Ghent Altarpiece: Singing Angels, Jan van Eyck [Public domain]. Location:

God Came Down at Christmas-Refining Fire of Peace, Malachi 3:1-5


Though we didn’t meet for church on Sunday due to inclement weather, Father Jeremiah recorded his sermon for the 2nd Sunday of Advent. How is it that we receive peace with God the Father? How does Jesus’ sanctifying of us relate to the peace that we receive by his coming? Father Jeremiah explores these questions and helps us all draw near to Jesus as our peace.

Image: By Neelaka, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) Located at:

God Came Down at Christmas-Reason for Hope, Zech 14.1-9


During Advent we prepare for God coming to us through Jesus his Son. We begin a new series for Advent called: God Came Down at Christmas. In this first sermon, Father Jeremiah looks at Zechariah 14 and connects it to the coming of Christ and to our lives now. Listen now to find out more!

Image: UnknownUnknown author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Location:

Christ the Suffering King, John 18.33-37


What kind of king is Jesus? How is he different from all the rest of the kings and rulers of the world? On this last Sunday of the Church Year, Christ the King Sunday, find out what makes Jesus stand out when compared to all others.

Image: Christ before Pilate Again. Duccio di Buoninsegna [Public domain] Location:

It's the End of the World, Mark 13.14-23


It’s the end of the World and the end of the age. How does this relate to us today? Jesus tells his disciples about judgment in Mark 13 and it’s coming to Jerusalem. We stand in awe in light of how this prophecy came to pass.

Image by: Jan van Eyck [Public domain]; Location:;_The_Last_Judgment.jpg

Two Widows, a Prophet, and the High Priest, Mark 12.38-44


What do two widows, a prophet, and a high priest tell us about faith? How does the work of Christ undergird all of our responses to that very work? Who are the main characters in these passages from 1 Kings, Hebrews, and the Gospel of Mark? Listen now to hear what Father Jeremiah is teaching about the work of Jesus on our behalf.

Image from: Internet Archive Book Images [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons. Located at:,_or_The_Holy_Scriptures_in_picture_and_story_(1891)_(14598328380).jpg

Death by Serving, Mark 10.35-45


Once again, the disciples are worried about being the greatest amongst one another in the kingdom. Once again, Jesus teaches his disciples about the nature of servanthood and what his calling is in light of being sent by the Father. What does that mean for us today? Listen now to find out more.

Image: Le Christ rencontrant la femme et les fils de Zébédée, Paolo Veronese [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Good isn't Good Enough, Mark 10.17-31


What can we do to inherit salvation? That’s the question of the rich young man in St. Mark’s Gospel today. What does Jesus tell him? Is there compassion in his words or is it harsh law heaped upon the man and us today? How do we respond to Jesus’ call to each of us? Listen now to find out more.

Image: Christ and the Rich, Young Man, by Andrey Mironov [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons. Image found at:

A Wedding Sermon


Father Jeremiah officiated his first wedding. It was his pleasure to preach this sermon for the couple he was marrying. In this, Father Jeremiah considers the foundation of marriage, its nature of Law and Gospel, and the mystical aspect of it being a foreshadow of what Christ has with his Church. He brings us all back into the continual need for forgiveness to flow between a husband and wife in the midst of submitting to one another in Christ.

Image: The Marriage of the Lamb, artist unknown, c. 1255-1260, public domain. Location:

War and Sacrifice, Mark 9.38-50


We are in the midst of a war! We are fighting against the evil within ourselves and we are called to sacrifice in light of this. How do we make this sacrifice? How can we fight when the fight is with ourselves? What does Jesus mean by cutting off one’s hand and foot and tearing out one’s eye? Aren't these good things that God has given to us?

Image: From the book The War in Europe, It’s causes and consequences, by Rossiter Johnson, 1914. No known copyrights on image.

Overcoming the Self-god, Mark 9.30-37


After Jesus teaches his disciples about his death and resurrection once more, they go on to argue about who is the greatest. What happens when we try to be the greatest? Who is really in charge of us then? Are we really following Jesus? Listen to find out what Father Jeremiah has to say today.

Image: The Last Shall be First, James Tissot [No restrictions or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Location: