Faith and Unbelief, Mark 9.14-29


What do we do about faith and unbelief? Are we in one or the other all the time? What are we to do when we find ourselves a mixed bag? Hear about the importance of the father’s confession to Jesus of his unbelief in Father Jeremiah’s sermon from Sunday.

Image: By Phlawton [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons. Location:,_Frederica,_Delaware.jpg

Deaf and Mute, Mark 7.31-37


What are we to make of Jesus’ healing of a deaf and mute man? Is there more to it than the not so simple healing? Can we relate to this story and apply it to ourselves? Father Jeremiah considers these questions and brings this story to bear upon us today.

Image: By unknown, (Markusmaler und Gehilfe) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Located:

Traditions of the Heart, Mark 7:1-23


Do traditions have anything to do with our faith? Can every tradition blind us to the truth of God's word? What about our hearts? What is to be done with our hearts? Listen to hear more form Father Jeremiah about this passage from the Gospel of Mark.

Image: illustrators of the 1728 Figures de la Bible, Gerard Hoet (1648–1733) and others, published by P. de Hondt in The Hague in 1728 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Eating the Flesh of Jesus, John 6.51-59


In our passage from the Gospel of St. John, Jesus says that we are to eat his flesh and then that we are to feed on his flesh and drink his blood. What does Jesus mean?  How are we to feed on Jesus? Father Jeremiah walks us through this passage and helps us to lay hold of the truth of what Jesus is telling us today.

Image: By Nheyob [CC BY-SA 4.0  (], from Wikimedia Commons

Bread that Gives Life, John 6.35-51


We continue in Jesus' Bread of Life Discourse this week. What is Jesus wanting us to understand about his teaching? What does he call for us to do? Do I come to Him of my own accord? Father Jeremiah walks us through this part of St. John's Gospel and helps us to understand what Jesus is teaching us.

Image: By Nheyob [CC BY-SA 4.0  (], from Wikimedia Commons

True Bread for True Life, John 6:24-35


In our first in a series of sermons from John 6, Jesus confronts the people with their desire to only receive blessings from him, but not the deeper significance of his sign of multiplying bread. What are to make of this passage? Are we doing the same thing in our lives? Do we only want to receive, but not lift our eyes to the deeper reason for the gift we have been given? Listen now to find out more!

Reality Bends to His Will, Mark 6:45-52



How is it that Jesus walks on the water? What is the meaning of this act that we are so used to reading about? What does it have to do with the Old Testament? Listen to find out the answers to these questions with Father Jeremiah.

Image: Peter Walking on Water Icon, photo taken by Ted. Location:
Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. 

The Main Character, Mark 6.7-13


It's easy to put ourselves in the middle of the biblical story. Too often we think of the actions of the main character as being what we are supposed to do. The truth is though that we aren't the main characters. Really we are the side characters and that changes everything.

Image: Calling of the Disciples, Domenico Ghirlandaio [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Location:,_Domenico_-_Calling_of_the_Apostles_-_1481.jpg

Boxing Jesus, Mark 6.1-6


What happens when we presume to know all about Jesus? What happens when we put Jesus in a box? Nothing good! Father Jeremiah considers what the people of Nazareth were doing when Jesus went to his hometown and rejected him. What does this mean for us now?

Image: Calling of the Disciples, Domenico Ghirlandaio [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons, Location:,_Domenico_-_Calling_of_the_Apostles_-_1481.jpg

Seed and Growth, Mark 4.26-34


How does the Kingdom grow? What causes it to grow? How are we part of that growth? These are the questions that spring out of the parables told by Jesus in Mark 4.26-34. Listen to find out more about how these parables raise and answer these questions and what it has to do with you in your own life.

Image: From the book, With the Children on Sundays, through eye-gate, and ear-gate into the city of child-soul, by Sylvanus Stall. No known copyrights.

The Plundering of Satan, Mark 3.20-35


What do Adam and Eve's sin, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and family have to do with each other? In this sermon, Father Jeremiah brings these biblical concepts together and helps us to understand how Jesus' work brings about a new family and the plundering of Satan's house.

Image: By Shakko [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

The Beauty of Grace, Mark 2.23-28

How do you respond to the beauty of grace? Do you find it wonderful or uncomfortable? Our sermon this week looks at how wonderful Jesus' grace toward us is and what it means for us.

Image: A an etching by Jan Luyken from the Phillip Medhurst Collection of Bible illustrations housed at Belgrave Hall, Leicester, England (The Kevin Victor Freestone Bequest). By Phillip Medhurst [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons. Photo by Philip De Vere.

Knowing the Holy Spirit


 On Pentecost nearly two thousand years ago, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Church. Who is this person that the Father and Son have given to the church? Why does he do what he does and what is it that he has come to do? Listen now to find out more about all of this from Father Jeremiah.

Image: Heilige Dreifaltigkeit by Andrej Rublev [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Bearing Our Humanity


Does it really matter that Jesus ascended into heaven bodily? What kind of impact does that have upon my own faith? Does it make a difference to my daily life and the life of the Church? Far from being unimportant, Jesus' ascension of utmost necessity for our redemption and salvation. Hear what Father Jeremiah has to say about this extraordinary event in both Jesus' life and the life of the Church.

Image:  The Ascension, by Benjamin West, [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Location:,_PRA.jpg

What is Love? John 15.9-17


What is love? Is it merely an emotion that we experience or is it something more? St. John says that God is love and that love is not us loving God but something greater than that. What is that? Listen to find out more from Father Jeremiah.

Image: By Nheyob [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons. Found at:,_Ohio)_-_Sacred_Heart_of_Jesus_statue_statue.jpg