The Promised Spirit, John 14.15-20


We encounter Jesus' teaching on the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John in the midst of Easter. What will the Spirit do for the disciples and for us? How can we live the life that will receive the Spirit? How does our having the Spirit relate to Christ dwelling in us? Listen to find out more! 

Image: The Last Supper, Simon Ushakov, [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Located at:

The Good Shepherd that We Need, John 10.11-18

There have been many wicked shepherds that have led God's people astray. Yet, so often God's people have embraced them more quickly than God himself. What are we to make of this? What does God do in response to the wicked shepherds and his people's need? Listen to find out more.

Image: By Anonymous ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (

The Resurrection, Luke 24:36-49


The resurrection changes everything! In texts from Micah, Luke, and First John, we see the wide ranging effects of Jesus' resurrection on us and all the world. What are these effects? How do they come to us? How do we receive the benefits of Jesus' resurrection? Listen to find out more.

By Lucas Cranach der Ältere (1472–1553) - Herzogliches Museum Gotha, Public Domain,

Doubt, Grace, and Blessing, John 20.19-31


Why does Thomas cast doubt on the resurrection of Jesus? Is he any different from the other disciples? Is he any different than us? Thomas' doubt wasn't surprising to Jesus as he gives grace to Thomas. Find out more about this amazing passage today with Father Jeremiah.

Image: By Toros Roslin (Romkla Gospels) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (

That Which Our Enemy Does Not Have, Mark 16.1-8


Jesus resurrection is the greatest act of God in history. The women, in Mark's Gospel, visited Jesus' tomb but did not find him there, only a young man. What do we make of this? What does it mean? What does it reveal about God our Father in heaven? Listen now to find out more from Father Jeremiah.

Image: Der Auferstandene, by Lucas Cranach. Public domain in the United States.

To the Uttermost, John 13.1-15


In John 13, Jesus reveals what the humble servant really looks like and shows us that only he is that true humble servant. Can we embrace the washing that we need to undergo continually through Jesus Christ? Or will we have no part in him? Listen to find out more about John 13.

Image: Simon Ushakov [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Found at:

The Glory of the Day that the Lord has Made, Mark 11.1-11; Psalm 118:19-29


Jesus said that the hour of his glory was coming after he entered into Jerusalem. What was this glory that he was anticipating? Did his own disciples understand what was going to happen? The day that the Lord has made is a glorious day that we are called to rejoice in. What is that day that the psalmist is referring to? Is it the same as the one that Jesus is thinking of? Listen to find out more.

Image: Giotto di Bondone [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Found at:

To Lie and to Covet, the Ninth and Tenth Commandments


Father Jeremiah finishes our series in the Ten Commandments today. As he teaches us about what it means to not bear false witness and to not covet, we see how coveting is committed every time we break any of the other commandments. How does all of this relate to the foundational commandment to not have any other gods but the God and Father of Jesus Christ? Listen to find out more.


Image: The Ten Commandments, Lucas Cranach the Elder [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Located:

The Treason of Sexual Sin, Seventh and Eighth Commandments


Adultery and other sexual sins can be viewed as a kind of treason against our spouses. But is also treason against God who has ordered the world a certain way. What do we do when find ourselves in these sins? We continue our way through the Ten Commandments and consider sexual sin and stealing today. What hope do we have when we have committed these sins? Listen to find out more.

Image: The Ten Commandments, Lucas Cranach the Elder [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Located:

Honoring All, the Fifth and Sixth Commandments


What do the fifth and sixth commandments have to do with each other? Honoring father and mother is foundational to not murdering and in fact, foundational to all the commandments that follow it. Listen to find out how far we go in giving honor and how we obey this command by not murdering.

Image: The Ten Commandments, Lucas Cranach the Elder [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Located:

Who Ya Gonna Worship?


In today’s Gospel, Peter rebukes Jesus for predicting his coming death in Jerusalem. How does Peter's rebuke relate to the third and fourth commandments? Father Jeremiah helps us to see that Peter was taking God's name in vain and how we can more fully obey this commandment in our own lives. Out of this, we can find rest in God's name that has been placed upon us in our baptisms.

Image: The Ten Commandments, Lucas Cranach the Elder [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Located:

Who Ya Gonna Follow, The Ten Commandments


Jesus was driven into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit in order to be tempted by Satan. How does Jesus fulfill the first two commandments in his resisting Satan? This is the question that is explored in this first sermon on the Ten Commandments during this season of Lent.

Image: The Ten Commandments, Lucas Cranach the Elder [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Located:

Temptation and Deliverance



Why ask the Father to not lead us into temptation when God tempts no one? The answer is in what exactly are we actually asking. This petition only makes sense when paired with the final petition asking for deliverance from evil. This is the final sermon in our series on the Lord's Prayer.


Image: Lord's Prayer Plaque by John Kroll. No changes made. Used under License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Image location:

Forgive Us Our Trespasses



This petition is a bold request of God! Forgive us our sins! What does it mean to ask this? What are we saying about ourselves? What are we saying that we need to do in response to this request? How can we forgive those who hurt us and sin against us? Father Jeremiah walks us through this petition and helps us to understand just what we are praying when we ask the Father to forgive our sins.

Image: Lord's Prayer Plaque by John Kroll. No changes made. Used under License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Image location:

Give Us Our Daily Bread



We pray this prayer every week, but what do it's words mean? What is our daily bread that we need to ask for it daily? The bread we ask for is so much more than just food. "Give us this day our daily bread" asks God for more that you imagine. Listen to find out what this all means.

Image: Lord's Prayer Plaque by John Kroll. No changes made. Used under License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Image location:

Thy Will Be Done




Father Jeremiah continues to lead us through the Lord's Prayer. Why do we pray, "Thy will be done"? What does it mean? What is God's will for us? Listen to discover more about this petition of the Lord's Prayer

Image: Lord's Prayer Plaque by John Kroll. No changes made. Used under License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Image location:

Hallowed be Thy Name



Father Jeremiah continues his series on the Lord's Prayer. This week we look at the first petition, "Hallowed be Thy Name."  Why is God's name so important that we start with this petition? How is God's name hallowed? Listen to find out more!


Image: Lord's Prayer Plaque by John Kroll. No changes made. Used under License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Image location:

Our Father in Heaven, John 1.1-18



On this First Sunday after Christmas, Father Jeremiah began a series on the Lord's Prayer. This sermon focuses on "Our Father, which art in heaven." He links our ability to pray this prayer to Jesus himself, the only begotten who is from the Father and perfectly reveals the Father to us. The series will continue through the season of Epiphany.

Image: Lord's Prayer Plaque by John Kroll. No changes made. Used under License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Image location:

Preparation and Anticipation, Luke 1.26-38


This year, the fourth Sunday of Advent was also Christmas Eve. As such, our focus was on how all our preparation becomes anticipation when the time is right. Listen to find out about Israel's preparation and anticipation for the coming Messiah, whom we celebrate at Christmas.

Image 1: The Annunciation; Luca Giordano [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons. location:

Image: Adventskranz 4. Advent By Liesel (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons. Location: