Foundations of Love, John 14:21-29

After the Last Supper with the disciples, Jesus’ reminds them that he will shortly be taken from them. Whta does he mean? Is he only referring to his crucifixion? Or is there more to this, especially when the Holy Spirit is involved? How does our love play a role in the Father’s love for us? So many questions to consider from this short passage, and Father Jeremiah walks through them in this sermon.

Image: Jesus and His Disciples at the Last Supper, from the book, Half Hours with the Bible, 19th Century. Scanned by Martin LaBar. License: CC BY-NC 2.0. No Changes made. Location:

New Take on an Old Commandment, John 13:31-35

On this Sunday, we are transported back to Maundy Thursday to hear the new commandment that Jesus gave to his disciples. This commandment is an old one but is now fully connected to what Jesus is about to do for the world. Through his forgiveness of our sins, we are enabled to begin living out a new kind of sacrificial love that aligns with all of his commands.

Image: The Messiah Gives the New Law, (Stained glass detail of a window by Douglas Strachan in SS Andrew & George in Edinburgh), photo by Lawrence OP. Licensed under: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (No Changes Made). Image location:

Forgiven, Reconciled, Restored, John 21:1-14

While the Apostles were waiting for Jesus to direct them forward, they went fishing. Jesus meets them at the sea and grants restoration to them and especially Peter. Father Jeremiah reminds us that through Jesus we receive restoration to the Father also.

Image: John 21:1-14. Once more Jesus showeth himself to Peter and others by the Sea of Galilee, by William Hole, no known restrictions. Image location: Library of Congress:

Failures and Faith, John 20:19-31

With the resurrection of Jesus, none of the disciples were willing to believe. For all of them, faith came only when they encountered Jesus in the flesh. But with all of them, faith came. The failure to initially believe did not derail the reality before them or keep them from embracing the truth when he came to them. Likewise for us, we must realize that we can’t let our failures derail our faith because it is Jesus, who has died and been raised again, that our faith focuses upon, not our failures.

Image: Grégoire Huret, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

The New Reaching into the Old, Luke 24:1-12

When Jesus rises from the dead, everything changes! The women went to the tomb expecting to find a dead Jesus, having neglected his promises of death and resurrection for the salvation of the world. They find the tomb empty and realize through the words of the angel that all the good things have come true.

Image: Raphael, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Save Us Now, O King of the Palms, Luke 19:29-40

Jesus entered into Jerusalem on what is now called Palm Sunday, just a few days before the Passover and his own crucifixion. What can we learn from this event and how it is connected to the crucifixion and sacrifice of Jesus for us? Father Jeremiah leads us through this story from Luke 19 and helps us to see that Jesus is the complete fulfillment of more than anyone could have hoped for.

Image: Giotto di Bondone [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Found at:

Re-understanding the Prodigal, Luke 15:11-32

So often when we hear the parable of the Prodigal Son, we think that it is all about the two sons. However, in the broader context of Luke 15, Jesus is driving home why we should celebrate when repentant sinners come home and it isn’t because they come home! The celebration is for the one who receives them, our gracious Father in heaven who has made a way for us to come to him!

Image: The Return of the Prodigal Son, from The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, license: CCO 1.0 Dedication. Location:

The Task of Repentance, Luke 13:1-17

What does the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree (Luke 13:6-9) tell us about God’s grace toward us in repentance? Father Jeremiah looks at this parable along with the story before and after in the Gospel of Luke to help us understand about the interplay of judgment, grace, and repentance.

Image: Ancient Tower at Cloyne, Feby 1856, Admiral Edward Gennys Fanshawe (27 November 1814 – 21 October 1906)., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Broad Compassion in the Narrow Way, Luke 13:22-35

In Luke 13, someone asks Jesus about the number that will be saved. Instead of answering directly, Jesus says that the we should strive to enter the narrow door. He puts the focus away from the number and onto each of us regarding salvation. He then tells the people that he would have gathered them together for salvation had they been willing. We see here that there is a great and broad compassion in this narrow way. Jesus is ready and able to give redemption and protection, but are we ready to receive it?

Image: License: CC0 Public Domain. Location:

The Forest for the Trees, Luke 4:1-13

With the temptation of Christ, we often get focused on the details of how he overcame the Devil, but we don’t often consider why he even was tempted or why he overcame the devil. Father Jeremiah walks through these background aspects to help us see a grander picture of Jesus’ overcoming the Devil and what that means for us.

Image: The Temptation of Christ by the Devil, by Christoffel Jegher and Sir Peter Paul Rubens. Public Domain. Image location:

Hope through an Ashen Cross, Joel 2, Matthew 6

On Ash Wednesday, we gather to get an ashen cross marked upon our foreheads. What is the purpose of this? How does it relate to our faith? What does it tell us about ourselves and the work of Christ? Father Jeremiah helps us to understand that this ashen cross directs us to the cross of Christ and the death of our old self that we might live in new life.

The Transfiguration and Us, Luke 9:28-36

There are so many layers to the Transfiguration that it is hard to comprehend how glorious it really was. Many aspects of it are recalling various events in the Old Testament, especially the cloud overshadowing them out of which God the Father speaks. All of this is to direct our eyes to Jesus alone so that we will know the reality fo salvation in our lives.

Image: Portable icon with the Transfiguration of Christ, Byzantine artwork. License: Louvre Museum, CC BY 2.5 <>, via Wikimedia Commons Location:

Sent to Proclaim Forgiveness, John 20:19-32

This Sunday is World Mission Sunday. Father Jeremiah reflects upon the coming of Christ to his disciples from John 20 and how this event undergirds all that they then go out to do. We must lay hold of the forgiveness and peace that Christ brings to us through his cross and that is what we take with us into the world as we become his witnesses.

Image: See page for author, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Blessings and Woes for the Deceitful Heart, Jeremiah 17:5-10, Luke 6:17-26, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20, Psalm 1

In our lessons today, we have heard much about blessings and curses based on the one you trust. We often think that the only thing that matters is having trust, but the reality is that your trust is only as good as the one in whom you trust is placed. On top of that, we have to contend with a deceitful heart! What is one to do? Father Jeremiah takes us through these passages from Jeremiah 17.5-10, Psalm 1, Luke 6.17-26, and 1 Corinthians 15. 12-20 to help us understand where we are going in this world.

Image: The Sermon on the Mount, Gustave Doré. Public Domain. Location:

I will be with You, Judges 6:11-24, Luke 5:1-11

When Israel had turned to idolatry and come under the discipline of the Lord, he went to Gideon and called him to be a judge and redeemer for the people. His promise to Gideon was that the Lord would be with him and that this would be Gideon’s strength. The same is true for us who have been baptized and trust in Jesus. He is with us and his being with us means that we will be transformed by this promise because he calls us to go out and be Christians in this world through his being with us.

Image: Rijksmuseum, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Jesus' Baptism and Us, Luke 3.15-22

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Why was this? How does it connect to John’s ministry of baptism? What does it reveal about God’s actions in Jesus towards us who are sinners? Father Jeremiah reflects on these things in his sermon from Baptism of Our Lord Sunday.

Image: Christ’s Baptism (San Marco), from the Cathedral of San Marco in Venice. Photo taken by Jim Forest, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, no changes made. Image location:

Harmonizing the Infancy of Jesus, Luke 2, Matthew 2

As we read each of the Gospel narratives about the birth of Jesus, we usually ask, “How does this all fit together?” Father Jeremiah walks us through how St. Luke and St. Matthew’s Infancy narratives can fit together so that we can better appreciate the full work of the Father in sending his Son into this world.

Image: Stories of life and passion of Christ, by Gaudenzio Ferrari (cropped). Public Domain. location: