
Foundations of Love, John 14:21-29

After the Last Supper with the disciples, Jesus’ reminds them that he will shortly be taken from them. Whta does he mean? Is he only referring to his crucifixion? Or is there more to this, especially when the Holy Spirit is involved? How does our love play a role in the Father’s love for us? So many questions to consider from this short passage, and Father Jeremiah walks through them in this sermon.

Image: Jesus and His Disciples at the Last Supper, from the book, Half Hours with the Bible, 19th Century. Scanned by Martin LaBar. License: CC BY-NC 2.0. No Changes made. Location:

Reforming Our Love of God, Mark 12.28-34

When a Scribe came up to ask Jesus about the greatest commandment, Jesus gave him a two for one deal. The Scribe saw the great truth in what Jesus said and Jesus said that he was close to the Kingdom. What does this mean? How are we to understand Jesus in this passage? How are we to be changed by Jesus’ words? Father Jeremiah reflects on these things and helps us all to understand a little better Jesus’ summation of the Law.

Image: Artist unknown, Christ disputing in the Temple, from manuscript Vaux Passional, National Library of Wales, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons