Mark 12

The Might of a Mite, Mark 12.38-44

What makes us think of the Widow in the Temple so highly? Is it her gift? Is it her faith? Or is it the reality of the glorious promise keeping God that she was worshiping? Father Jeremiah looks at this story from St. Mark 12 and asks what was the might of the Widow’s Mite?

Image: An etching by Jan Luyken, Phillip Medhurst, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons.

Reforming Our Love of God, Mark 12.28-34

When a Scribe came up to ask Jesus about the greatest commandment, Jesus gave him a two for one deal. The Scribe saw the great truth in what Jesus said and Jesus said that he was close to the Kingdom. What does this mean? How are we to understand Jesus in this passage? How are we to be changed by Jesus’ words? Father Jeremiah reflects on these things and helps us all to understand a little better Jesus’ summation of the Law.

Image: Artist unknown, Christ disputing in the Temple, from manuscript Vaux Passional, National Library of Wales, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons