Luke 23

Save Us Now, O King of the Palms, Luke 19:29-40

Fr. Jeremiah Caughran
Save us now, O King of the Palms, Luke 19.29-40
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Jesus entered into Jerusalem on what is now called Palm Sunday, just a few days before the Passover and his own crucifixion. What can we learn from this event and how it is connected to the crucifixion and sacrifice of Jesus for us? Father Jeremiah leads us through this story from Luke 19 and helps us to see that Jesus is the complete fulfillment of more than anyone could have hoped for.

Image: Giotto di Bondone [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Found at:

The Resurrection of the Universe, Colossians 1.11-24

Fr. Jeremiah Caughran
The Resurrection of the Universe, Col 1.11-23
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Jesus’ return in glory means more than just resurrection for his people. Because he was raised from the dead into new life, not only will believers be resurrected into new life, but the entire universe will be purged of all the stain of sin. Listen now to find out about this wonderful news from Father Jeremiah.

Image: Icon of Second Coming, Anonymous, Greece [Public domain] Location: