Colossians 1

The Resurrection of the Universe, Colossians 1.11-24


Jesus’ return in glory means more than just resurrection for his people. Because he was raised from the dead into new life, not only will believers be resurrected into new life, but the entire universe will be purged of all the stain of sin. Listen now to find out about this wonderful news from Father Jeremiah.

Image: Icon of Second Coming, Anonymous, Greece [Public domain] Location:

The Vocational Life: The Task Impossible, Luke 10.25-37


The story of the Good Samaritan is an iconic story. You can find references to it in nearly every facet of our culture. However, what was so revolutionary about Jesus’ words that made this such a message that would go beyond time itself? It is because of the impossibility of the task that Jesus sets forth to his questioner. It is an impossibility that continues to exist for us today. What can we do with this impossible task in our daily vocations?

Image: The Good Samaritan, Rembrandt [CC0]. Location: