Grace to Give, 2 Corinthians 8.1-15


St. Paul speaks to the Corinthians about the initial commitment to give to the saints in Jerusalem and how it seems to have waned due to the various controversies that had happened in their church since they first heard about the need in Jerusalem. St. Paul carefully encourages them to embrace their opportunity to give as an expression of the grace of God not only working in them, but also working through them to affect and help many others. The whole of our Christian life is one of commitment to Christ, and likewise, we should see every opportunity as God’s grace in Christ for us and working through us to bless those the Lord brings to us.

Image: St. Roch giving alms, Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld. This image may be used without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose. Found at The Victorian Web, originally from the online journal article Unwilling Moderns: The Nazarene Paintings of the Nineteenth Century. Image found at:

Made New for Others, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21


St. Paul continues this week in his second letter to the Corinthians by telling them of the work of Christ and what that leads to in the life of believers. St. Paul is not to live for himself any longer because Christ has died for him and made him into a new creation. His sin is taken away and he is given the righteousness of God in Christ! This is true for us believers today! We live in the midst of a great exchange where Christ takes what is ours and gives us what is his.

Image: Irises, by Vincent van Gogh, public domain. Image location:

This Old Tent, 2 Corinthians 5:1-10


St. Paul longed for the return of Jesus Christ because it meant the renewal of his body. It meant the putting off of the temporal tent and the putting on of the eternal, heavenly body. Why? Because he understood that the resurrection and ascension of Jesus meant all the promises of God the Father were going to be fulfilled for those brought into his family through Jesus Christ.

Image: Resurrection of the Dead (lower left section of the Last Judgment), Michelangelo, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location:

The Weight of Being Known, 2 Corinthians 4.13-18


St. Paul speaks of the many sufferings he has endured in carrying the Gospel to various peoples. Despite all of this, he rejoices in his Savior. How can he do this? What leads him to continue pushing forward to know Jesus? Father Jeremiah reflects on this and how the weight of glory carries St. Paul throughout his days.

Image: by Greg. Man starring at starry sky outside with the milky way. Public domain. Image location:

Wrestling with the Trinity, John 3.1-16

Trinity Sunday is the Sunday in which we reflect on the meaning and importance of the doctrine of the Trinity. Father Jeremiah considers what it isn’t, what it is, and why any of this matters to us. Listen to find out more!

Image: John Salmon / St Mary, Sedgeford, Norfolk - Window, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, no changes made. Location:,_Sedgeford,

Wind and Fire and Jubilee, Acts 2.1-21


The Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost, which is a Jewish feast. Why did He descend on that particular day? Father Jeremiah walks through this unique coming of the Holy Spirit during a very particular Jewish festival and the way that He came reflecting the actions of God in the Old Testament.

image: The Holy Spirit Initiates the Pentecost, Engraving by A. Mochetti after N. Poussin (?), Public Domain. Image location:

Ascension and Revelation


Jesus’ ascension is an oft overlooked event in our Savior’s life, and yet, it brings a completion of redemption as he presents himself to his Father in heaven for our sake and becomes our eternal intercessor. Father Jeremiah considers a few of the implications of this reality in his sermon for the Sunday after the Ascension.

Image: Christ Ascending into Heaven (Detail from an embroidered in the Dominican convent at Stone, Staffordshire), photo by Lawrence OP, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, no changes made. Image location:

Abiding in Friendship with God, John 15.15-21

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Jesus told his disciples that they were to abide in him and that they were his friends. How important is it that they were considered the friends of God the Son? What does this mean for us today? Father Jeremiah explores this in his sermon today.

Image: Jesus Calls the First Disciples, Ravenna, Photo taken by Edith OSB, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 (No changes made). Image location:

To Save the Sheep, John 10.11-16


Jesus as our good shepherd is one who will lay down his life for the sheep. He is completely different from the hired hands who flee when the wolf comes. He defends his sheep and cares for them because they are his own. Father Jeremiah considers this truth in his sermon today.

Image: Shepherd with His Flock, by Francesco Londonio, CC0 1.0. Image located:

The Christ Who Undoes, Luke 24.26-49


When Jesus appeared before his disciples throughout the forty days before his ascension, he reveals to them all what he has undone about the brokenness in this world. Father Jeremiah reflects upon these undoings of Jesus in his sermon today.

Image: The risen Jesus appears to the disciples in the upper room, from Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, photo taken by Nick Thompson, no changes made, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Image location:

Peace of God Despite Doubt, John 20.19-31


Peace and doubt come together in our text from St. John 20.19-31 today. Our doubts can be overcome when we discover the peace that Jesus brings to us through his death and resurrection. Father Jeremiah draws our attention to this to this movement today in his sermon.

Image: Christ and St. Thomas by Andrea del Verrocchio, photo taken by Glenfarclas, CC BY-SA 3.0, no changes made. image location:

Unexpected Resurrection, Mark 16.1-8


Jesus’ resurrection took the people by surprise despite his announcing it multiplies to his disciples. Why was this? What does it mean? How can we fully embrace what the resurrection does for us? Father Jeremiah helps us lay hold of the great truth of Jesus’ bodily resurrection and rejoice that Christ is risen.

Image: Saint Julie Billiart Catholic Church (Hamilton, Ohio) - stained glass, Resurrection of Christ, photo by Nheyob, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons. No changes made

Empowered by an Uttermost Love, John 13.1-15


On the night that Jesus was betrayed, he took time to wash his disciples’ feet and through that to teach them that they are to love one another. He also later took bread and broke it and a cup of wine and gave it to them. This act is the first Eucharist. On Maundy Thursday we remember these actions by Jesus and what they mean for us today.

The King Who Overthrows, Mark 11.1-11


On Palm Sunday, we remember the coming of Jesus into Jerusalem to the accolades of the people. They shout, “Hosanna” to the Lord and acclaim him as king. This Jesus who has kept aspects of his identity hidden from the masses and avoided them whenever they attempted to hail him as king, now enters Jerusalem in the most public of ways. What does it mean? How does this coming touch on various Old Testament writings? How do we respond knowing in advance where this week is going to end up? Listen now to hear Father Jeremiah’s thoughts on all of this.

Image: Photo taken by Ted. Entry into Jerusalem, from St. George Orthodox Cathedral, Toledo, OH. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0, no changes made. Location:

The Dying Grain of Salvation, John 12.20-36

A grain of wheat will not produce a harvest without dying first by falling into the ground. Jesus points out the reality of his coming death with this image in our Gospel text but connects it to the bronze serpent and being the true light. Father Jeremiah takes us through these images and the realities that affect us because of Jesus’ being that Dying Grain.

Image: The Harvest (1888) by Van Gogh. Photo taken by Gandalf’s Gallery. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Image location:

All Hail the Bread King, John 6.1-15


How do we respond to Jesus’ multiplying the loaves and fishes? What was the meaning of it then? How do we understand it for today? There are many things are happening in St. John’s telling of this event and Father Jeremiah delves into some of them for us to consider in this sermon from St. John 6.1-15

Image: The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, Jacopo Tintoretto, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location:

Eaten by Zeal, John 2.13-22


When Jesus cleansed the Temple, it wasn’t out of anger, but out of his zeal for the purity of God’s sanctuary. He was consumed and eaten up with this zeal, so much to that he would die as the true Temple and through his resurrection, build an expansive temple that includes all believers. And now, that same zeal for the old earthly Temple is still a part of Christ and he is purifying us as well in his zeal and giving us the same zeal for the Temple and Body of Christ.

Image: Christ Expelling the Money Lenders, from The Small Passion, Albrecht Dürer, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Unable to Help Myself, Mark 8.31-38


After hearing the confession of Peter regarding Jesus’ true identity, Jesus begins teaching them about what the Messiah must do. But Peter rejects this only to be rebuked by Jesus and confronted, alongside the disciples and others, with the reality that we are to take up our own crosses. How does this truth connect to our Collect of the Day that says that God knows that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves? Father Jeremiah brings these together revealing the work of God in us.