Matthew 21

The Fruit of God's Vineyard, Matthew 21:33-44

Harrison Northey
The Fruit of God's Vineyard, Matthew 21.33-44
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As we hear the Parable of the Wicked Tenants, our hearts should be drawn to the conclusion in which the wicked are cast out for those who will provide the fruit to the master. We are called to good works by the power of the Holy Spirit, works that the Father has prepared beforehand for us. How do we respond to these called out of us works? Do we resist? Or do we receive the work of the Spirit to enable us to fulfill God’s callings upon us?

Image: The Red Vineyard or Red Vineyard at Arles, Vincent van Gogh, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location:

Turning to the Father's Will, Ezekiel 18, Matthew 21.28-32

Fr. Jeremiah Caughran
Turning to the Father’s Will, Ezekiel 18, Matthew 21.28-32
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Jesus’ parable of the Two Sons is a perfect rebuttal to the chief priests and elders refusal to answer Jesus’ question about John the Baptist. They know that he can challenge them on their lack of faith, yet he reminds them that they can turn any time to the Father’s will and believe in the one whom he has sent to bring salvation. That still applies today: Regardless of our having said no to the Father’s will, we can turn back and believe in Christ. And likewise, if we have said we will do the Father’s will and not done it, we can turn around and begin doing it.

Image: The Parable of the Father and His Two Sons in the Vineyard, from The Story of Christ, Georg Pencz, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Yearning for a King, Matthew 21.1-11

Fr. Jeremiah Caughran
Yearning for a King, Matthew 21.1-11
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As Jesus was entering into Jerusalem, the people cheered and saw him as a king for them. They had their own kind of king in mind, while Jesus was going to become the kind of king they truly needed. They were, never-the-less, yearning for a king to save them. Likewise, we also desire a king, one who is in control and will care for us. What does our celebration of Palm Sunday help us to understand about this yearning?

Image: Entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, Unknown author / CC BY-SA ( Image Location: