
God's Favor that Leads from Death to Life, John 12:20-36

Jesus spoke of a grain of wheat that must die to bring forth a harvest. Jesus himself is that grain of wheat, and yet, we too are grains of wheat that have come from Jesus falling into the earth and dying. We too must continually die to ourselves in order to bring forth the harvest that God the Father desires.

Image: The Veteran in a New Field, by Winslow Homer. Public Domain. Image Location: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/11145

The Dying Grain of Salvation, John 12.20-36

A grain of wheat will not produce a harvest without dying first by falling into the ground. Jesus points out the reality of his coming death with this image in our Gospel text but connects it to the bronze serpent and being the true light. Father Jeremiah takes us through these images and the realities that affect us because of Jesus’ being that Dying Grain.

Image: The Harvest (1888) by Van Gogh. Photo taken by Gandalf’s Gallery. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. Image location: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gandalfsgallery/15516300017