Matthew 10

Cutting off the Old for the New, Matthew 10:34-42

Jesus speaks of bringing a sword instead of peace, which is seemingly shocking. And yet, when one considers that not all will believe in Jesus, it makes sense. When Jesus renews the hearts of some and others reject him, there will be conflict and division and a sword will split people apart. This is also true of ourselves. When Jesus renews our hearts, he creates a divide within us and puts us at war with ourselves. This is his work of redemption in us, to cut off the old that the new would rise up.

Image: Scenes from Matthew 10: 34-38, by Daniel Hopfer, Licensed under CC0 1.0. Image location:

He Knows Even the Sparrows, Matthew 10:16-33

Jesus continues teaching his disciples about the what will happen as they go out to make the kingdom known. They will face various kinds of persecution because of the name of Jesus. Yet, despite all of that, they should not fear man because the Father in heaven knows when even a sparrow falls and we are all of greater value than they are before God. And so, we are to know that because Jesus has dealt with our sin, we are wholly known by the Father and can go forward without fear into the world.

Image: 4112008, by Jimpg2_2015, licensed under: CC BY-SA 2.0 (no changes made). Image location: