
The Blessing of Marriage and Children, Mark 10.2-16

Fr. Jeremiah Caughran
The Blessing of Marriage and Children, Mark 10.2-16
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When Jesus speaks of marriage and children, he sets out to correct his time’s misuse and misunderstanding of these things. Likewise today, we must hear his words and take them to heart as we approach these most holy of subjects.

Image: Portrait of a Married Couple with a Child, by Peter Paul Rubens, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Hardhearted Realities, Mark 10:2-16

Fr. Jeremiah Caughran
Hardhearted Realities, Mark 10.2-16
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When the Pharisees asked Jesus about divorce, he led them to the beginning of the Scriptures and revealed that divorce ultimately flows, not from the command of God, but out of the hardheartedness of humanity. Our hardheartedness toward spouses is the outworking of our hardheartedness towards God himself and our very idolatry by which we forsake God.

Image: Undergrowth with Two Figures, Vincent Van Gogh, from the Cincinnati Art Museum. Public Domain (no changes made). Image Location: