Hebrews 12

Striving by Way of Weakness, Luke 13:22-30, Hebrews 12:15-29

When Jesus tells us to strive, do we think of us exerting our own strength? Or do we think of how weak we are and the impossible task before us of entering the narrow door? Father Jeremiah considers how we strive not our strength, but instead Jesus’ enabling strength revealed in our weakness.

Image: pg 164, The Baptistery, or the Way of Eternal Life, by Isaac William. Found at books.google.com. Public Domain.

Division by the Gospel, Luke 12:49-56

What does it mean for Jesus to cause division? What brings about division? In our varying texts from Sunday, we hear that division occurs because God’s truth stands against the world’s lies. And ultimately, Jesus will cause division as he deals with our sins upon the cross. For those who reject the work of Christ, his work stands against them and for those who receive it, they will live with an inner division of the old versus the new that is overcome by faith in the One who has died for them.

Image: The Chaff Cutter, David Teniers the Younger, Dulwich Picture Gallery, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Image location: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Teniers,_David_the_younger_-_The_Chaff-cutter_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg