Advent 3a

Storming the Gates of Heaven, Matthew 11:2-19

John the Baptist’s disciples come to meet with Jesus and ask him about his messiahship and Jesus simply points to his words and actions instead of giving a direct answer. Why does he do this? What does he mean when he goes on to say that the violent are laying hold of the kingdom? All of this goes together as we consider the. nature of repentance and who is repentant in most cases during Jesus’ ministry.

Image: Peasants Carrying Sticks, by Camille Pissarro, National Gallery of Art, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Praise and Joy in the King, Psalm 146


In the Psalm, the psalmist is praising Yahweh and recognizing his works of healing for the people. These healings were a part of Jesus’ own ministry here on earth, linking his Messiahship not to just being sent by Yahweh, but to being Yahweh himself in the flesh. This psalm tells us about Yahweh and thus tells us about Jesus and the praise and joy that he can illicit from us when we see him as king.

Image: Christ Preaching (The Hundred Guilder Print) by Rembrandt (Public Domain {{PD-US}}). Image location: