Join us on March 30 for our first Lunch and Learn time!
This is a time for fellowship over lunch and a time of teaching.
We’ll be hearing from our senior warden teaching about using the Book of Common Prayer devotionally in a busy life.
Come and join us right after church!

Bless the Lord who forgives all our sins.
His mercy endures for ever.

We worship together every Sunday at 800 Robinson Rd, Gastonia, NC, at 10 am.
If you would like more information about this, please contact us at

Join us for worship for worship. A service guide for worship can be found here:
Service Guide
The readings can be found here: Readings
Readings: Exodus 3:1-15 Psalm 103:1-12 (BCP pg 402) 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Luke 13:1-17
If there is an issue with the livestream, please go here

For other videos by Father Jeremiah, click here.




The Place of Refuge, located at

800 Robinson Rd, Gastonia, NC.

At Grace Anglican, we worship our Lord Jesus using worship services from the Book of Common Prayer. As the name suggests, this book is full of written prayers and services that we use. Part of that Common Prayer is that we have different seasons of the church. We have now entered into the season of Lent! During this season we reflect on our need for redemption through disciplines of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving.

We are a growing church in Gaston County, inviting all believers to come worship with us. We are a multigenerational church with a blended-style of worship who also follow forms of prayers and scripture readings that come out of the ancient church and the English Reformation.

We are reaching out to those who do not have a church family, those seeking an alternative in the Anglican tradition by standing  on the truth of Scripture, as well as those who do not presently worship in a church.

Click here or on the email link at the bottom of any page if you have any questions about us and our church.




Though we have many opportunities to gather together regularly, we often don’t think to take pictures. However, we have many pictures from our previous events that you are invited to look through and see what life at Grace Anglican is like.

Click here to see pictures from these events and more!

We are a proud member of the Diocese of the Carolinas within the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). Find out more by subscribing to our diocesan newsletter here.

You can find the ACNA on Twitter and Facebook.

The Diocese of the Carolinas is also on Facebook.